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"Day at the Track" June 15, 2002    with the Indy GTO Association

The show was held at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.   Every year this show is hosted by the Indy GTO Association, a growing chapter of the GTOAA.   Its many members use the proceeds of this show to help support their charity, the Elysian Foundation.   All Pontiacs were invited to this show.   With the gorgeous weather, there was a record turnout.   This year there were many more activities to enjoy.   Car displays, a lap around the track, fabulous awards, optional museum tours, optional cruise to a restaurant, cruise to a drive-in movie that evening.   Some show participants stayed at the Brickyard Crossing Golf Resort.   Its a hotel situated along turn #2.

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CLICK-> An overhead view of the entire Indy 500 facility.   The show cars were situated in the turn 2 infield parking lot.  The area is circled in red.
CLICK-> Part of the show includes a lap around the big track.   Here, Pontiacs line up to drive around the famous 2.5 mile oval track.
CLICK-> I toured the track in Bruce Troyer's white 1964 GTO convertible.  The back seat was a good vantage point for picture-taking.   It was fun to imagine what it must be like to drive an Indy racecar around these banked turns.
CLICK-> The lap started in turn two.   There are not many other car shows that include such an experience!
CLICK-> Bruce is driving around the track.   He's watching for the cops.   Really.
CLICK-> A look ahead shows a couple of GTOs making their way around the south shute.
CLICK-> A rearview to see who was following us.   They're not keeping up to Bruce's convertible.
CLICK-> Driving around the track.  That's a cop car parked on the left.   I wonder where the speed limit signs are posted?
CLICK-> The scoring pagoda along the main straightaway is still relatively new.   Now it bears a sponsor name on it in black letters.   It says "Bombadier".
CLICK-> Bruce prepares to cross the finish line.   He's approaching victory circle, off to the left.   There are photographers there, snapping commemorative photos.
CLICK-> Following the other cars toward the finish line.   That's the scoring pole.   During a race, it shows the relative positions of the cars.
CLICK-> This is what an Indy driver sees as he approaches the checkered flag.
CLICK-> A quick look out the passenger side of Bruce's convertible.  Look down.   That's the legendary "yard of bricks" marking the finish line.   That's also why they call this place the "brickyard".   In the early days, the whole track was paved with these same type of bricks.
CLICK-> Speaking of the early days.   We just passed the pits on the leftside.   Here is what the pits looked like in the early days.   There were crowds, mechanics, big gas cans, and quite a few people wearing ties!
CLICK-> Fiero After the lap around the track, we see the other cars getting ready for their lap.
CLICK-> Firebird We pass some nice old Pontiac Firebirds.
CLICK-> Firebird And some more Firebirds of various colors.
CLICK-> Trans Am We wave at some Trans Ams in the line.
CLICK-> Fiero These Fieros are poised to enter the track and wheel onto turn 2.   Several Fiero Indy Pace Cars attended this show.
CLICK-> darn! After the drive around the track, I looked at the rear wheel of the 1964 GTO convertible I was riding in.  We had noticed a rubbing sound coming from the rear.   Now we know it was Bruce's stainless trim piece rubbing on a tire.  It scraped away some black rubber.
CLICK-> histerial marker This historic marker sign adorns the entrance to the speedway museum.   People come from all over the world to take the museum tour.   They even have a guided tour buses that drives around the facility regularly.   The Indy 500 gift shop is pretty cool too.
CLICK-> silver 65 GTO Back on the showfield, the parking lot is full of Pontiacs.   This 1965 GTO has some custom touches.
CLICK-> blue 66 GTO This blue 1966? GTO was one of the stars of the show.   It sat low to the gound.   Many people snapped photos of this unique car.
CLICK-> blue 66 GTO 1966 GTO from the left front.   You can see no emblems on this car.   The word "GTO" is simply painted somewhere on the front fender, underneath the clearcoat.   So are the purple flames.
CLICK-> blue66 GTO Check out the rear tail lights.   Smooooth.
CLICK-> blue 66 LeMans This is an unusual 1966 LeMans with trick paint.   The side stripes appear to be fat chrome, but they are painted in 3D.
CLICK-> Here is a closeup of the painted details.   This indian head looks 3 dimensional, but its painted on.
CLICK-> 4 door Tempest A Tempest 4-door parked next to an older Tempest.
CLICK-> red 68 LeMans There's something about red convertibles.   This 1968 LeMans seems to have a 1969 front fender.   The "LeMans" letters are on the front fender, rather than on the rear quarterpanel, just ahead of the red marker light.
CLICK-> red 68 LeMans Same 1968 LeMans convertible.   Nice.
CLICK-> all american GTO An all-American car!   Here, the owner of this 1968 car has painted the GTO emblem red white and blue.   This is a large image so you can see the nice detail.   While studying the photo, I realized that there is yet ANOTHER inventive way to keep sagging hideaway headlight doors closed.   This appears to be a rotating lever.   Looks like it can be flipped forward to allow the door to slide downward.   Sure beats a coat hanger wire.   Or a windshield wiper blade.   Or duct tape.   There are some tips for repairing hideaway headlamp doors in the "Text Topics" area of this web site.
CLICK-> blue GTO Same 1968 GTO hardtop with the eyeball-pleasing blue paint.   It is from Illinois.
CLICK-> burgundy 69 conv This 1968 GTO convertible sits up tall.   It also has an add-on spoiler on its chin.
CLICK-> red 68 conv A 1968 GTO owned by Indy GTO Association member Jeff Slaughter.   This car is soooo red!
CLICK-> red 68 conv Jeff has an unusual look to the woodgrain portion of his dash.   It resembles very shiny lacquered wood.   I've gotta ask him about that sometime.   But that's part of the fun of a car show, speaking with the owners and learning all about their cars.
CLICK-> aqua 69 conv A 1969 GTO convertible with the top down.
CLICK-> blue 69 GTO This 1969 Liberty Blue GTO hardtop has Poverty Caps.   They were very generic-looking hubcaps.   That's about as "stock" as you can get.   Its a different look than the "normal" Rally II wheels. Owner Roger Knight ( emailed some additional info about the car:
I am the original owner of this GTO. The order was placed with Young's Pontiac in Amanda, Ohio 
on Febuary 15, 1969. The Order form ,which I still have the customer copy, shows:
Make GTO, Model 4237, Color E, Type hardtop, Year 1969, Trim 258 Black, Base Price 3203.50

4 speed       184.31
P. S.          94.79
P.D. B.        42.13
Radio          61.09
Posi Rear      42.13
Tax           145.11
Title           4.50

Trade-in       377.95  (1951 Dodge Coronet 4 Door Sedan)
Total         3250.00

After what seemed like forever I took delivery on April 8, 1969 For a final total price 
of 3207.80 because the car came without the Posi Rear.
A total off the frame restoration was completed in September 2000 on a 144,000 mile Ohio 
driven car. The car was restored just as it was when I took delivery in 1969 except for 
the AM-FM radio. Yes those poverty hub caps you mentioned were the standard wheel covers. 
Anything else had to be ordered as an option. I didn't want my GTO looking like every 
other GTO on the road. That is why you don't see Rally II's, Hideaway headlights, 
Cordova Top or a Console. Unique is what I was after and I think I succeeded. - Roger Knight

CLICK-> blue 69 GTO The 1969 GTO right rear view.
CLICK-> da Judge conv This is a very rare sight.   Its one of those cars that makes you wish you had saved every penny of your allowance money since day one.   It's a 1969 Judge convertible in immaculate condition.   If only we could take this one for a drive.
CLICK-> da Judge conv Another view of the 1969 Judge in Carousel Red (orange).   It was spotless.   If you toucha dis car, you wipa offa da fingerprints right away.
CLICK-> da Judge show sign This card was in the windshield of the 1969 Judge convertible.
CLICK-> da Judge We were also lucky enough to have a 1969 Judge hardtop in attendance.  Here is the rightside view.
CLICK-> da Judge High perspective on this Judge.   Its got the hood tach and everything.
CLICK-> A rearview of the Judge spoiler.   This car could fly around the track!
CLICK-> Look inside the 1969 GTO Judge hardtop.   Black vinyl everywhere.
CLICK-> Kentucky Monster A 1970 convertible.   This tubbed monster came from Kentucky.   It could be easily heard while driving around the parking lot.   The tires on the back were very fat.   It squeals just turning a corner at 2 miles an hour.
CLICK-> Not much in here! The 1970 car has rollbars and plenty of padding.   Who needs a speedometer?   A tach will do.
CLICK-> Big Bolonga Skins! Same 1970 convertible with a wing.
CLICK-> Red 74 GTO A 1974 GTO.  This was the last year for the GTO.   Well, sort of.   Pontiac will come out with a new GTO in 2003 for the 2004 model year.
CLICK-> Load-o-Tigers A 1974 GTO loaded up with Tiggers in the back seat of this post coupe.
CLICK-> Red 74 GTO Same 1974 GTO.   This was the only 1974 car at the show.
CLICK-> 5 MPH Bumper! 1974 GTO rear end.   Those are giant bumpers, thanks to new Federal crash rules that year.
CLICK-> 74 GTO engine A 1974 GTO scoop was mounted on the top of the engine.
CLICK-> 78 Firebird A silver Firebird running around the track.
CLICK-> 88 LeMans One of the show spectators arrived in this 1988 LeMans.   Pontiac has long been criticized for putting the LeMans name badge on this little imported car.   You don't see these on the roads much anymore.   This particular one appeared to be in very good shape.
CLICK-> Fiero Predator Among the Fiero's at the show, was this unique beast.   It was called "Predator" and had custom add-on body panels.
CLICK-> Fiero Predator This is a rearview of the Fiero "Predator".
CLICK-> Another unusual sight.   This Fiero made a trip around the track hauling this matching trailer.   It is a small photo.   The wheels on the car matched the paint.

CLICK-> There was a good crowd on hand for this show.   We had a record number of cars, nice weather, and record attendance.   The Indy club auctioned off a racing helmet for the Elysian Foundation charity.   The winning bidder was Bruce Troyer from the Indy GTO Association.

CLICK-> The best part of the day for some.   Here, club president Bill Sanders is preparing to present the trophies.   The larger trophies had gold pistons on top.

CLICK-> The show is nearly over.   Some people are heading to their cars for the trip home.

CLICK-> The Illinois GTO club poses.   They were glad they made the long trip to Indy for the show.   They brought a lot of nice cars.   And they took home some nice trophies!

If you want more information on the Indy GTO Association, they have a web page at .   If you have some interesting snapshots of car shows, email them to me, giving descriptions of your photos.

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