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2005 GTO Parking Lot
by Sean Mattingly.
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2005 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 18 of 36.
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CLICK-> K&N Intake Under the hood, the stock air box was replaced with K&N Aircharger intake #63-3053.
CLICK-> Yellow 2005 GTO Another shot of the K&N Aircharger intake showing the air filter.

CLICK-> Cyclone Gray 2005 GTO 3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating Cyclone Gray 2005 GTO owned by Macky Underwood from DeRidder, Louisiana. He purchased it in September of 2005.
CLICK-> Cyclone Gray 2005 GTO 3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating Cyclone Gray 2005 GTO, right side view. Those are the optional factory 18 inch wheels.
CLICK-> Cyclone Gray 2005 GTO 3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating Cyclone Gray 2005 GTO, right rear view.

CLICK-> Grand Prix and a GTO Has viewer comments3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating Torrid Red 2005 GTO owned by Keith and Marina Maher from Stanhope, New Jersey. Keith had this to share, "I grew up in a 1969 GTO Judge as the 6th family member. MY seat was the glove box, no matter where we were going. When my wife and I saw this one, we had to have it. My kids, ages 3 and 10, both girls, love it. The little one has a matching car booster seat. She is always saying, 'I want to go in the GTO.' Our other car is a 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP. Its just not fast enough for her. She wants to go 'zoom.' I tell her to lean forward, then I hit the pedal. She loves it. We do too. I set the speedo to 90mph. I asked my wife if she has been hearing beeps while driving. She said, 'ALL the time, what is it?' She laughed when I told her."
CLICK-> Grand Prix and a GTO Another shot of a 2004 Grand Prix (left) next to Keith and Marina Maher's Torrid Red 2005 GTO.
CLICK-> Grand Prix and a GTO 3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating Torrid Red 2005 GTO, rear end view.
CLICK-> 17 Inch Wheels Close-up of the stock 17 inch wheels on this Torrid Red 2005 GTO.
CLICK-> 2005 GTO Emblem The fender emblem boasts the 6.0L engine under the hood. This car has since been totaled. Here is there new 2006 GTO replacement!

CLICK-> Midnight Blue 2005 GTO Has viewer comments3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating Midnight Blue 2005 GTO owned by DJ from Schaumburg, Illinois. DJ tells us how he got this car, "Back in March of 2005 I visited my local Pontiac dealer and asked to test drive the new GTO. Well, the sales person told me no and refused to let me test drive the car. He said it was too fast and I would wreck it. Needless to say I wasn't happy, so at I went home and at 10:00pm on a Friday night I wrote Bob Lutz (Vice Chairman, GM) an email and told him of my experience. At 10:30pm Mr. Lutz responded by apologizing and asking me to let him 'fix' the situation. Long story short, I got a sweet deal on an even sweeter ride. I LOVE my GTO. For trade in I gave away my 2002 Mustang GT and never shed a single tear. The GTO is just a higher grade car."
CLICK-> Midnight Blue 2005 GTO 3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating Midnight Blue 2005 GTO, left side view.
CLICK-> Midnight Blue 2005 GTO 3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating Midnight Blue 2005 GTO, right rear view.
CLICK-> Midnight Blue 2005 GTO 3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating Midnight Blue 2005 GTO, rear end view.
CLICK-> Midnight Blue 2005 GTO This Midnight Blue 2005 GTO has stock 17 inch wheels with red brake calipers that say "GTO".

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2005 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 18 of 36.

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Says Tina - "I am buying a GTO for my husband on father's day...and this is awesome. Just wanted to let you know that someone in California appreciates your hard work. Will either send a money order or do Paypal donation to your website."