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2004 GTO Parking Lot
by Sean Mattingly.
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2004 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 52 of 63.
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CLICK-> Pulse Red 2004 GTO 3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating Back here Wade added the Sport Appearance Package spoiler and lower rear valance including the split dual exhaust set up.
CLICK-> 2004 GTO Engine Wade added some Spice Red accents on the fuel rail covers.

CLICK-> Torrid Red 2004 GTO 3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating Torrid Red 2004 GTO owned by Tim Speshyock from Fort Wayne, Indiana. Take a look at that classic GTO spoiler. Tim explains, "I bought the car new at a Pontiac 'Year Old Tent Sale'. These were fantastic deals on 'a lot of car'! No hood scoops and the appearance of no dual exhaust was a 'downer', but pricing was such it allowed for modifications! Who were the 'BRAINY' engineers at Pontiac marketing - it should have been ME and thousands like me. I am 50 years old. I have owned several GTOs in high school and understood what having a 'GOAT' meant!"
CLICK-> Torrid Red 2004 GTO 3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating Torrid Red 2004 GTO, left side view. Tim continues, "My car is a work in process. It has a K&N High Flow filter and larger 'Free flow exhaust' with stainless iips. The Judge appearance package does include a glove box emblem and exterior decals. Kumho tires with chrome wheels. Of course, rear spoiler from a 1970 GTO Judge custom fit for deck angle and 2005 rear facia for the dual exhaust. The future holds NOS, chipping, and maybe hood scoops, but can I be somewhat true to a 2004?"
CLICK-> Torrid Red 2004 GTO 3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating Torrid Red 2004 GTO, left rear view. Tim concludes, "I've been married to my wife since High School and she's always told me to keep my GTOs. This one I will. I've sold a 1969 GTO coupe, a Ram Air III, 4-speed, Orbit Orange Judge, and a 1969 Red GTO convertible with a factory 3-speed manual. WOW! I bought my 2004 GTO for my son who is 13 years old and will be driving soon. I drove a GTO to high school. So will my son. He will experience a GOAT with high horsepower V-8 and rear wheel drive! Fast and Furious is a movie. A GTO is LIFE!"
CLICK-> Torrid Red 2004 GTO Has viewer comments3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating Torrid Red 2004 GTO, right rear view.
CLICK-> Torrid Red 2004 GTO 3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating Close-up of the rear modifications on Tim's Torrid Red 2004 GTO. He has the 1970 Judge spoiler, 2005 Sport Appearance Package (SAP) rear bumper, and split dual exhausts.
CLICK-> Torrid Red 2004 GTO Has viewer comments The Judge decal on the front fender.

CLICK-> Yellow Jacket 2004 GTO 2.8 star rating2.8 star rating2.8 star rating2.8 star rating2.8 star rating Yellow Jacket 2004 GTO owned by Russ Esenwine from York, Pennsylvania. Russ tells us more, "This is my newest acquisition. It has been in my driveway for less than a week (purchased in fall of 2006). I have had a tremendous time getting acquainted to my new ride. Despite the controversy over the introduction of the new GTO, I have always liked these cars. Not retro-styled, but surely a style all its own. This 6-speed demon is comfortable, quiet, and blindingly fast. Possibly the best seats available on any car at any price! My new Yellow Jacket GTO is the perfect playmate for my 70 GTO and of course, me!"
CLICK-> Two GTOs Russ's Yellow Jacket 2004 GTO sitting next to his silver 1970 GTO. Click here to see more pictures of Russ's 1970 GTO with the Advanced Picture Searcher loaded with model=GTO, year=1970, and owner=Russell Esenwine.
CLICK-> Yellow Jacket 2004 GTO 3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating Russ sends in updated pictures of his Yellow Jacket 2004 GTO. Russ tells us, "I have done mostly appearance mods to personalize my Goat: tinted windows, SLP Loudmouth exhaust, OEM 18" wheels, 06 tailights, and a few Yellow Jacket trim details. The car is a blast to drive and the yellow color certainly turns heads."
CLICK-> Yellow Jacket 2004 GTO 3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating Yellow Jacket 2004 GTO, left rear view. Cool shot! This is a low angle perspective. "Low angle" meaning that the camera is low and looking up at an angle to see the subject.
CLICK-> Yellow Jacket 2004 GTO 3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating Yellow Jacket 2004 GTO, left front view.
CLICK-> Yellow Jacket 2004 GTO Russ painted his front emblem to match the paint. Yellow. Different.
CLICK-> Yellow Jacket 2004 GTO Painted fuel rail covers and a Pontiac decal on the engine compartment brace. Putting the word "Pontiac" on it is a nice touch since that word does not appear on any exterior panels on the 2004 GTO.

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2004 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 52 of 63.

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Says Brien Curtis (vanbrien.@aol.com) - "Your site is way cool, well organized, hats off to you guys! I had one in high school and would like to restore one to be one I used to have."