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2004 GTO Parking Lot
by Sean Mattingly.
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2004 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 5 of 63.
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CLICK-> 2004 GTO interior Steve chose the black leather interior and a 6-speed manual transmission for his Phantom Black 2004 GTO.

CLICK-> GTO TV Commerical Has viewer comments Pontiac has given me permission to post the new 2004 GTO TV commerical on this site. We have two versions to choose from. When you click on them, they will launch your media player.

Click here to see the lower resolution commerical for dial ups.
Click here to see the higher resolution commerical.

Pontiac tells me that the commercial was filmed by Rob Cohen, the director of xXx and The Fast and the Furious. Rob also filmed two other GTO commercials that will be airing in the coming months. Look for the next new GTO commercial during the NCAA Bowl Championship Series at the first of 2004.

CLICK-> GTO TV Commercial Has viewer comments How about hearing more about the engine in the 2004 GTO? This shot is from the second 2004 GTO commercial. The script reads something like this: All aluminum block. Six bolt mains. Powered metal connecting rods. 350 horsepower 5.7 liter V8. 0 to 60 in 5.3 seconds. The new Pontiac GTO. Fuel for the soul.

CLICK-> Red 2004 GTO Has viewer comments2.9 star rating2.9 star rating2.9 star rating2.9 star rating2.9 star rating Torrid Red 2004 GTO owned by Craig George from Muncie, Indiana. Craig is a member of the UltimateGTO.com staff. He helps approve the viewer comments. Craig has this story to tell, "My new red rocket arrived Saturday, February 7, a day before my 49th birthday! It will be on display at Stoops Pontiac in Muncie for a few months until the weather turns nice. The finish is not glassy smooth and the dealer has agreed to polish it out as much as safely possible. I am learning from other owners that this 'orange peel' finish is standard from Australia!"
CLICK-> Red 2004 GTO That's nice of Craig to leave his GTO on the dealer floor until spring. That will give others a chance to see a new GTO up close as they are pretty hard to find right now.

CLICK-> Red 2004 GTO at night Has viewer comments3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating Torrid Red 2004 GTO owned by Kent Leverich from Charlote North Carolina. Kent snapped these pictures the rainy night he picked it up from the dealership.
CLICK-> Red 2004 GTO at night Torrid Red 2004 GTO, left rear view on a rainy night.

CLICK-> Yellow 2004 GTO Has viewer comments3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating Warren from Kansas is picking up this Yellow Jacket 2004 GTO in a few more days. Warren tells us, "It arrived at my dealer on 2-16. It's fresh off the truck in this picture. I am going to pick it up March 5th, my birthday. My insurance rate drops almost 30 bucks a month that day. Plus, it is a pretty good birthday present, if you ask me."
CLICK-> Factory Original 2004 GTO Has viewer comments3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating 40 years from now, this photo can be used to determine exactly what a factory restored 2004 GTO looks like. You could study these photos to apply the "as delivered" protective vinyl in all the right places, just like the day the dealer received it! How many 1964 pictures you ever seen with the dealer's protective covers, tags, and warning labels still attached?
CLICK-> Yellow 04 GTO Has viewer comments3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating Warren sends in this picture and tells us, "Here is a picture of my little sister with the GTO. It also shows my license plate. Hey, everyone likes pics of good looking girls with GTO's, right?"

CLICK-> 2004 GTO magazine ad Has viewer comments Take a look at this cool 2004 GTO ad. This was found in the 2004 Swimsuit issue of Sports Illustrated. Finally, a reason to go out there an purchase that issue!

CLICK-> Yellow 2004 GTO Has viewer comments3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating There's Tony and his new Yellow Jacket 2004 GTO. Looks like a driveway of Pontiacs. Black is the only interior color that is available with the yellow paint.
CLICK-> Yellow 2004 GTO Has viewer comments Tony's Yellow Jacket 2004 GTO is in front. The red car is a 2002 Pontiac GTX and the black one is a 2002 Pontiac Bonneville SSEI.

CLICK-> Black 2004 GTO Has viewer comments3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating Phantom Black 2004 GTO with a automatic transmission sitting on the dealer floor of Scherer Automotive in North Pekin, Illinois. These pictures were taken by Jeff & Julie Klein. Chris Broadhurst was kind enough to allow them to take pictures of some of the interesting details of this car.
CLICK-> 2004 GTO window sticker Here's the price sticker for ths Phantom Black 2004 GTO. Look at this huge list of standard equipment. The standard vehicle price is $31,795 with a $1000 gas guzzler tax and a $700 destination charge. This brings the total to $33,495. This automatic gets 16 mpg city, 21 mpg highway. The manual gets 17 and 29. This dealer is selling these at sticker price - no markup as some other dealers. They've got four more coming - Impulue Blue - auto, Quicksilver - auto, Yellow Jacket 6-speed, and a Torrid Red - auto.

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2004 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 5 of 63.

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