This is a GTO stock car. It's a real GTO. The owner says it was a rust bucket and he parted out all the GTO trim and sold it on eBay. The front end damage was done when the driver got clipped by another car causing the GTO to T-bone another driver. The owner says all you have to do is bolt on another nose and go racing. Yeah right.... Has this guy seen the prices on 1972 GTO front clips? CLICK->
Rear end view of this 1972 GTO stock car. Check out the confederate flag on the roof. CLICK->
The roof and the door are painted like the General Lee car from the Dukes of Hazzard TV show. CLICK->
The interior has been stripped out and a roll cage installed. CLICK->
This 1972 Cameo White 1972 LeMans hardtop with a GTO front clip has been here for 20 years. It seems to have a vinyl top, but the data plate shown later in this picture set does not list it. CLICK->
This hood is past the point of recovery. This is the worst rust I have ever seen on the edge of a hood. CLICK->
That is a 350ci engine under the hood. CLICK->
The seats don't look to be ripped up. There are a lot of leaves in here due to the broken windshield. Look at the set of air horns on the driver's side floor. CLICK->
This is the dataplate for the 1972 LeMans hardtop. The 11 11 part at the end of the second line stands for Cameo White paint bottom and top. The first picture of this set shows a green vinyl top. Maybe it was added later. Vinyl tops were popular back then. The A51 part stands for the bucket seats. CLICK->
Angie Rigirozzi from New Mexico owns this 1972 LeMans hardtop. The little shot in the center is of the LeMans after a snow storm. Angie comments, "Another way yet to lose a GTO/LeMans - in a deep snow! Can you find the 1972 Pontiac LeMans Sport in this picture? Not to worry, I've got 'Killroy' garaged and adding a replacement door this week. I am striping the front nose then on to the hood. Sometimes it's love/hate while trying to restore 'em. I brought the car back from the shop in April 2006. My mechanic is remodeling his office so I suggested he dedicates a wall to me and Killroy since we are there a lot. Probably put a shot of me on the LeMans's hood. He still loves and hates with me and the LeMans. After all the mechanical work and thousands, Killroy decides he needs a new battery - after I leave the shop and have filled his greedy gas tank up, he doesn't start! Funny thing was that we put new springs on the front end, which levitated it up some so I (at 5' tall) had to sit on a pillow to drive. Going to get the rear lifted and maybe an electric drivers seat! Killroy is back on the road again and turning heads all over Bernalillo County here in New Mexico. Yes, I get a lot of people asking 'Are you going to make that 72 LeMans into a GTO Clone?' Well NO! I don't plan on bleaching my hair blonde either. I liked the Purple car feature, boy do I like purple too. A LOT of Cosmos Purple Goats in the line up. Made me wish my LeMans was already painted PURPLE! You know you have patience when you can keep a muscle car like Killroy on the road for 22 years, and make it thru the primered stage twice and being perpetually broke a lot! I probably point out the obvious by saying 'LeMans' is 'The Man' in French and that these cars are so masculine. That's why I refer to My LeMans as male 'Killroy'. I figure Pontiac named them after the big LeMans race." CLICK->
This is Angie and her 1972 LeMans hardtop a few years back. CLICK->
Another shot of Angie on her 1972 LeMans. CLICK->
Black 1972 LeMans hardtop, left rear view. CLICK->
Another shot of Angie's 1972 LeMans. CLICK->
Angie painted her 1972 LeMans hardtop purple. Looks nice! She painted it in September of 2007. Here's some awards she has won; Winner 'Best Classic' Richford car show, winner 'Best Car' Ten-Points General Store
car show in Edgewood, winner 'Runner-Up Contemporary Classic' Hooters Halloween car show in Albuquerque.
Here's a comment from a recent visitor...
Says Bill G ( - "Your site takes some of the sting out of not having my own GTO. I can look at the other GTO's and dream. Hopefully, I'll own one soon."