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by Sean Mattingly.
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1972 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 33 of 49.
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CLICK-> Gold 1972 LeMans 3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating Anaconda Gold 1972 Luxury LeMans, left rear view.
CLICK-> Work'in on the LeMans Has viewer comments Adam is getting his LeMans ready for some modifications.
CLICK-> Modification Rendering Has viewer comments Adam shows us what he intends to do to his 1972 LeMans.

CLICK-> GTO in South Africa Has viewer comments Jason Dale owns this red 1972 GTO hardtop. He lives in South Africa! He is wondering what a car in this condition would sell for in the US. Jason adds, "I picked it up on a farm here in South Africa. Are parts available? The motor is a 400 and is in the boot in pieces." Looks like it has some type of retractable sunroof. Strange how it both has the "Pontiac" and "GTO" emblems in the grilles. Usually GTOs do not have the "Pontiac" emblem.
CLICK-> GTO in South Africa View of the left side of Jason's red 1972 GTO. That looks like a vinyl retractable sunroof. It has an older GTO emblem on the rocker panel behind the front wheels. This is similar to the 1967 GTOs. Jason has three 1969 Firebird shells in the background.
CLICK-> GTO in South Africa View of the right side of Jason's red 1972 GTO

CLICK-> Brasilia Gold 72 GTO Has viewer comments4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating This Brasilia Gold 1972 GTO hardtop is sitting on the Wagner's Classic Cars showroom floor. Options included are 455HO engine, Ram Air hood, bucket seats, console, air conditioning, power steering, power front disc brakes, Deluxe steering wheel, tilt column, Rally II wheels, AM-FM radio with rear speaker, rear bumper guards, rear decklid spoiler, G70X14 polyglas tires, tinted glass, unitized ignition, and light package.
CLICK-> Brasilia Gold 72 GTO Has viewer comments3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating Brasilia Gold 1972 GTO, rear end view. This floor is cool. It makes the chrome stand out.
CLICK-> Brasilia Gold 72 GTO Close-up of the right front fender which really shows off the Brasilia Gold paint color.
CLICK-> 72 GTO Interior This Brasilia Gold 1972 GTO has a saddle colored interior.
CLICK-> Under da 1972 GTO Here is a peek under this Brasilia Gold 1972 GTO. Spotless!
CLICK-> 455HO Engine Brasilia Gold 1972 GTO hardtop, 455HO engine view.

CLICK-> 1971 LeMans Project This is an Anaconda Gold 1972 LeMans hardtop. It is owned by Brad Strande from Broomfield, Colorado. Brad tells us more, "My Father purchased this car in 1976. He drove it till his passing in 1981. My brothers and I all drove it till 1985 when it was parked. It's been in my Mother's garaged ever since. After expressing interest in it she said ,'Come get it.' So in the end of February of 2005 we dusted off the spiders and brought it here. Now I have children of my own that one day will inherit this car in restored condition. Good thing about it is that it's all original and all there. The only dent is in the passenger side 1/4 panel."

CLICK-> Red 72 LeMans GT Has viewer comments3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating Cardinal Red 1972 LeMans GT convertible owned by Roger Tomczak from Walnut Creek, California. This one has the GTO front clip and GT stripes. The car came from the factory wearing Sundance Orange paint with a white top, white interior, and a black GT body stripe. Roger purchased this beauty from the second owner in 1982. Roger restored it in 2005.
CLICK-> Red 72 LeMans GT Has viewer comments3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating3.8 star rating Roger's Cardinal Red 1972 LeMans GT convertible has a ducktail spoiler! Roger says the ducktail spoiler was added later.

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1972 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 33 of 49.

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Here's a comment from a recent visitor...
Says Travis (MDNTRDR19.@AOL.com) - "I am looking for a '68 GTO. My father had one when I was younger. He promised the car to me when I turned 16. He fell on hard times and had to sell it. I just hope I can find one that is not too expensive (maybe a fixer upper) and show my father what I have bought."