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by Sean Mattingly.
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1972 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 20 of 49.
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CLICK-> 1972 GTO dash Has viewer comments Jeff's 1972 GTO has the Custom Sports Steering Wheel and the Rally Gauge package with the in-dash tach.
CLICK-> His Hers Shifter! How about a closeup of that cool Dual Gate Shifter! This one has the big stopper nut installed uner the knob. It comes with the aftermarket knobs and helps keep it from slowly twisting off. I haven't seen too many installed.

CLICK-> Blue 72 and Orange 69 Has viewer comments3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating Adriatic Blue 1972 GTO (and a Carousel Red 1969 Judge) both owned by Marilyn Scott from Iowa. These pictures were sent in by her son who commented, "My Mom bought it in 1980, then sold it 1981. The next owner completely restored it and then sold it to a guy who totaled it out in a wreck. The car is long gone."
CLICK-> Blue 72 and Orange 69 3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating Another view of Marilyn Scott's long gone Adriatic Blue 1972 GTO hardtop.

CLICK-> Gold 72 LeMans Sport Has viewer comments Gold 1972 LeMans Sport owned by Jimmy Howell from Columbus, Indiana. This one has the GTO nose job. Jimmy comments, "I just got it out of storage. I haven't driven it since 1984 when it was hit on the front right side. I started to fix it then, but never got to keep working on. I hope to start working on it this summer.

CLICK-> 72 GTO project Corey Manahan is restoring this 1972 "GTO" convertible. He added, "My Mom and Step Dad bought this from a guy who was trading it in for something newer. They paid $400 in 1976. In 1990 they divorced and gave the car to me. Driving it to a Texas A&M yell practice, a kid in a brand new Mustang GT rear ended me. I parked the car in a barn for 12 years and finally started a frame off restoration in August of 2002. It is now the middle of Sept 2003 and it is almost finished! The car has 56,000 miles on the odometer. Engine has been upgraded to a 400 with 400 turbo transmission. Rear end will have a 12 bolt posi taken off of a 71 GTO hardtop. I'm still trying to talk my wife into letting me restore the 71. Maybe in another 12 years!! "
CLICK-> 72 GTO project Has viewer comments Corey's got the spiffy 400 and transmission installed.
CLICK-> 72 GTO project Here's another view of the 400ci engine and transmission that will power Corey's 1972 "GTO" convertible.
CLICK-> 72 GTO project Corey's got his 1972 "GTO" convertible body back on and has begun shooting the paint.
CLICK-> 72 GTO project The Adriatic Blue paint has been applied and the masking removed. Nice!
CLICK-> 72 GTO project Has viewer comments The front end is mounted and painted Adriatic Blue as well.

CLICK-> 72 GTO built for racing Has viewer comments3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating Red 1972 GTO pictured at the 2002 Ark City Kansas Pontiac Uprising. This picture was taken by Stephan Wright.

CLICK-> Bronze 72 GTO Has viewer comments3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating Bronze 1972 GTO hardtop with a sunroof and an interesting stripe behind the side fender vents. This picture was taken by Ronald S Hamm Jr.

CLICK-> Blue 72 LeMans converible 3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating Blue 1972 LeMans Sport convertible with a white top and white interior owned by Chuck and Georia Maze from Reno, Nevada. Chuck commented, "The photo was probably taken at the Tiger Run held in Bend, Oregon, at the show field at the old Fairgrounds in Redmond, Oregon. Since a car is never "done," there have been some changes even since then. The wheels and tires, particularly, have been changed. Gone are the 14-inch wheels and trim rings; they are replaced with 15x8 Wheel Vintiques repro Ralley II's and Sans trim rings. Those things just tear up the paint! Also, since the photo was taken, the top and interior have also been replaced. We have been attending Tiger Run since 1991 when Tom Foster and Jim Gulley put it all together. Seems lots of folks have liked our car as we have won many people's choice awards. In 2002, I even won the "Heavy Class" (10 seconds or slower in the 1/8th) drags -- slow, but steady."

CLICK-> Bronze 72 LeMans Has viewer comments3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating Bronze 1972 LeMans convertible owned by Lars-I Elofsson from Sweden. Lars tells us, "The circle is closed! When I was 15 years old in 1975, I saw a old magazine showing a GTO 71 convertible. I immediately fell in love with the design of that car. When I collected more facts about the car, I saw that the 72 was almost a look-a-like but I thought the grilles looked better. Then I realized that a 72 convertible with that grille could only be ordered as a 72 LeMans with the endura option. When I turned 18, I visited a dealer up north in Sweden. It was winter time so almost all the cars were covered with snow. When I walked down the line of cars, I decide on a 69 Firebird because the price was right. I collected the down payment from my friends. The dealer took the car inside to brush the snow off and that is when I saw it was a convertible! I had a lot of fun with that car. I bought other 60‘s and 50‘s Pontiacs, but I never forgot my first love. This spring I spent many hours on the net and in magazines trying to track down a 1972 LeMans convertible. I found a decent one in Florida. My 30 year aching heart can now rest."

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1972 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 20 of 49.

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