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by Sean Mattingly.
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1972 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 17 of 49.
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CLICK-> Yellow 72 LeMans Has viewer comments3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating Yellow 1972 LeMans Sport convertible with a hood tach.

CLICK-> White 72 LeMans Convertible Has viewer comments3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating White 1972 LeMans Sport convertible owned by Mike Scherm from Pasadena, Texas. It's got a 455ci engine under the hood!. Mike added, "I bought it in June 2002 from a friend who moved it from California in 1995. It was a 1-owner car (his mom's) and was completely orignial except for the rag top which he replaced in 1992. The car has 95,000 miles on it. I detailed the interior, repaired the A/C, rebuilt the Rochester 4-barrel carburator and rebuilt the original stereo speakers. Everything is in perfect working order and includes AM/FM radio, tilt steering, electric windows, and power top. The engine compartment is original and super clean. I have been trying to find a twin to this car for a year now and have never found a white on white on white with a 455. I'd be interested to know if any others are out there, or even made."
CLICK-> White 72 LeMans Convertible 3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating White 1972 LeMans Sport convertible has a white interior and white convertible top!
CLICK-> White 72 LeMans Convertible Has viewer comments3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating White 1972 LeMans Sport convertible, right rear view. This one has an unusual set of rubber bumper guards on the rear too.

CLICK-> Lost and Found! Has viewer comments Before/After picture of Dustin Duncan's 1972 LeMans. It used to be gold, now it's in primer. Dustin had this story to tell, "This car is in first stages of resto/mods. I first purchased the car in 1997 while in High School. I had it then for about a year, then had to sell for college expenses, the worst thing I ever done. She had a 400/400 tranny and would blow the doors of some Chevy's. I had lost contact with her for about 5 years, then a buddy said he seen it and I went to find it. I went to the guy's house and tried to buy it, but he wasn't selling. I showed him some cash and he still wouldn't come up off of it. I left my number and so on. A month later i got the call. I was able to pick her up for less than half of what I was was offering if he kept the motor, now a 350, I gave him the cash and trailered it home. I examined the engine a little id#488986, 6x heads, built a little, but getting redone. Should be completed within the next year, her garage is being built as I write this. I have pictures from 1997 and now, as you can see after I let her go she went down hill."

CLICK-> Cartoon 72 GTO Cartoon 1972 GTO that was drawn back in 1975. It was sent in by Stephan Wright.

CLICK-> Yellow 72 GTO Drag'in 3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating Yellow 1972 GTO drag car owned by Rich Fonte from Louisville, Ohio. This one is not street legal - it is strictly a racer!
CLICK-> Monster 72 Has viewer comments Patrick created this Monster version of Rich Fonte's 1972 GTO. Patrick tells us, "Here is a great GTO to have in rush hour traffic so you can just drive over everything. It is also good in a parking lot so you don't get any door dings."

CLICK-> Orange 72 GTO Has viewer comments3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating Eric Johnson from East Grand Rapids, Michigan just added this Sundance Orange 1972 GTO to his collection. He's also got a 69 GTO and a 71 T-37. They are pictured on this site too. This one has Rally II wheels, Rally clock, a Hurst 3 Speed Manual, and a 400ci engine.
CLICK-> Orange 72 GTO Has viewer comments3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating Sundance Orange 1972 GTO hardtop, left rear view.
CLICK-> Orange 72 GTO 3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating Sundance Orange 1972 GTO hardtop, left front view. You can see Eric's Verdoro Green 1971 T-37 behind it.
CLICK-> 72 GTO interior Sundance Orange 1972 GTO hardtop, interior view. It's unusual to see a manual shift without the center console.
CLICK-> It's a 400! Sundance Orange 1972 GTO hardtop, engine view.

CLICK-> Green 72 LeMans Convertible Has viewer comments3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating3.5 star rating Wilderness Green 1972 LeMans convertible owned by NikiVee from Manheim Pennsylvania. It's got the GTO front end option. NikiVee tells us this story, "This car was purchased in 1996 for the sum of $6000.00. It was in very good shape with about 40000 original miles on the car. The interior is pretty much original with the exception of new carpet replaced in 1997. Over the years this car has had what I call a frame on restoration which included a complete front end and rear end suspension rebuild, all weatherstripping replaced, new convertible top, complete high performance rebuild on the 400ci engine and trans, new 2.5" exhaust with Flowmasters. And just recently a complete repaint of the car done in my garage. Car is driven to car shows and to the dragstrip where it has turned a best of 13.3 @ 103mph."
CLICK-> Green 72 LeMans Convertible Has viewer comments3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating Wilderness Green 1972 LeMans convertible, left rear view. Hummm... Is this really a GTO? Hard to tell. You cannot tell from the VIN for the 1972 model year. It has the PONTIAC letters on the trunk, but some GTOs had them in 1972 depending on the assembly plant. The only way to tell for sure is contact Pontiac Historical Services.

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1972 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 17 of 49.

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Says Gill Hanna (gghanna.@adelphia.net) - "WAY COOL! Am considering an '04 GTO. Used to own a '67 HT - was struck by a drunk river...car totaled."