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by Sean Mattingly.
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1971 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 16 of 58.
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CLICK-> white 71 GTO Has viewer comments2.5 star rating2.5 star rating2.5 star rating2.5 star rating2.5 star rating White 1971 GTO hardtop owned by Todd Renzema from San Diego, California. Here's what Todd had to say, "My fiancée bought me this Goat the day before Thanksgiving 1999, because my 84 Trans Am needed an engine rebuild, but I was broke. She picked it up from a good friend of ours for $1500, and it was my daily driver until we got married in June 2000. (Unfortunately, I had to unload the TA.) I've put about $6000 more into the engine, suspension, and tires. The odometer said 75K when I got it, and now it's up to about 90K, but nobody knows how many times it's turned over. The engine was replaced with a Goodwrench 400 about 55,000 miles ago, and I had it rebuilt about 5,000 ago. The car spent most of its life on the coast in Virginia, and it shows. This is almost exactly what the exterior looked like the day I got it, except that it was tilted because of a broken front spring. I plan to continue driving the car and gradually restore it as I have the $$$, as much as possible without taking out a second mortgage. It has an auto trans, and I may try to find a 4-speed manual to replace it. I also want to add a hood tach."
CLICK-> white 71 GTO Has viewer comments White 1971 GTO hardtop. Todd doesn't think the spoiler is original. He pulled up the vinyl roof to see how bad the rust was.
CLICK-> white 71 GTO Closer look at the cancer.
CLICK-> 71 GTO rust There is rust on the hood. It's probably under the entire chrome edge molding.
CLICK-> 71 GTO rust There are rust holes in the front of the hood and the paint on the Endura bumper is cracked.
CLICK-> 71 GTO Rust The paint is cracked with bubbles of rust in the center of the hood too.
CLICK-> 71 GTO Rust Another frequent location for rust is on the fenders behind the rear wheels. To fix these, it's best to cut off the lower part of the fender and put in a patch panel.
CLICK-> 71 GTO Rust The vinyl top is bubbled in the front. That's rust under it.
CLICK-> 71 GTO Back Seat The back seat looks really good in Todd's white 1971 GTO.
CLICK-> 71 GTO Arm Rests The inside door armrests, on the other hand, have seen better days. New reproductions are available. Todd is lucky that this interior is black, and most of the reproduction parts are black.
CLICK-> After Market Radio It's very common to find that the radio was replaced on these GTOs. The unfortunate thing is that the dash must be cut to get these in, as much of the original radio is molded into the dash. Reproduction dash plates are available to reinstall the original radios.
CLICK-> 71 GTO engine White 1971 GTO hardtop, engine view. The air conditioner compressor is gone.

CLICK-> red 71 GTO 3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating3.4 star rating Red 1971 GTO hardtop owned by Christopher Soto from New Fairfield, Connecticut.
CLICK-> red 71 GTO 3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating Red 1971 GTO hardtop, left front corner view. 400 CID decal on the hood scoop.
CLICK-> red 71 GTO 3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating Red 1971 GTO hardtop, rear end view.

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1971 Pontiac GTOs.    Lot 16 of 58.

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