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by Sean Mattingly.
1969 GTO Judge Parking Lot
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1969 Pontiac Judges.    Lot 5 of 51.
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CLICK-> 69 Judge engine Here's a more recent set of pictures of the engine in Kyle's 1969 Judge. He says that the cam failed, so he had the engine rebuilt and repainted.

CLICK-> 69 Judge with sign Has viewer comments3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating I don't know who sent this picture in. They said this car was in the showfield at the "My Classic Car" show in 1997.

CLICK-> 69 RA V engine This pic was sent in by GTOLEGEND@aol.com who says this is a Ram Air 5 400. The engine is in one of Lance Kramer's cars. John Allen (gtosrus@gte.net), the publisher of Goatfinder GTO Classifieds provides more information on the engine:
It is his '69 RA V 400" T/A. I featured that car & engine exclusively in my 3/95, 6/96 & 8/96 issues. I have some of the pix up in my office. It's the 2nd RA V "TunnelPort" I featured, and we posted it up on Dennis Monckton's Firebird site years ago... Make NO mistake - the RA V TunnelPorts are by NO means "typical." They are about as rare, exotic & expensive as you can get when it comes to Pontiac. NO Factory RA V cars are in existence, none sold to the public, although some dealer-installed units survive, and some have been built for 'historical' reasons just as if the factory had installed them, ie., the Purely PMD '69 JUDGE (Alan Gagleard). The engine(s) cost about $2000 back then which was a LOT of money. They were crated engines offered to racers over the counter thru dealerships, like: Bill KNAFEL PONTIAC of Akron built (12) '69 Golden Sabre RA V 400" GTOs & sold them to the public. The RA Vs I have featured include: the Purely PMD RA V 400" '69 JUDGE; Lance's '69 RA V 400" T/A; Dave Debono's '64 GTO w/a RA V; the KNAFEL '69 RA V 400" GTOs; Bill Schultz's '69 RA V 400" Royal Bobcat; a '70 RA V 400" T/A; and a '69 RA V 303" T/A. Other's I know of include a '69 RA V 400" T/A; Bob Mullikin's '69 RA V 400" JUDGE; a '70 GTO Conv w/a RA V 400"; Lynn McCarthy's '69 RA V 400" T/A (I featured an article on his T/As), and George Pearson's '69 RA V 03" SCCA T/A replica. Jerry Steinbrick also has a RA V in his 1-of-8 made '63 421SD "Swiss-cheese" lightweight Catalina Post, w/the original 421SD 2x4 engine long gone. You can count just about all of them on both hands... It's rather confusing because three different RA Vs were made (303" for SCCA T/As; 366" for NASCAR; and 400" for street GTO & Birds), all w/different block codes for different applications, including stick vs. autos. Plus, RA VI & RA VIIs were also made: A RA VI 428 4bbl was designed and a RA VII was a 2x4 428 design. And there was also a 2x4 303" RA V for the SCCA Birds... See what I means?!?
-John Allen, Goatfinder GTO Classifieds

CLICK-> Judge Ochser 3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating I got this image from David Marc Ochser. He says this is his 86,000 mile all original PHS certified car. It is a California car. He is with American Sports & Muscle Car Exporters.

CLICK-> Judge dark 3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating Looks like this one may be black.

CLICK-> 69 GTO on grass 3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating Richard Laird tells us about this unusual Judge picture: "I guess it was taken about '90, at Lebanon Valley Dragway just outside of Albany, N.Y. The car had trans am looking rims with fifties all the way around. To allow the tires to turn they trimmed the rustfree California fenders! It is currently at a body shop to get a frame on painting, notice the interior is removed in the picture. The RAIII is at the engine shop all prepped. This car is a complete left over from the sixties, it will be great to drive it on the street."

CLICK-> 69 Bowman Judge #1 Has viewer comments2.7 star rating2.7 star rating2.7 star rating2.7 star rating2.7 star rating A 1969 Judge mailed in by Brian Bowman of North Carolina. He tells us: "Although someone painted it some shade of Midnight Green, I plan on painting it the original color - Limelight Green. I have never seen another one this color."
CLICK-> 69 Bowman Judge #2 Has viewer comments2.8 star rating2.8 star rating2.8 star rating2.8 star rating2.8 star rating Brian also says: "I have owned 12 GTOs ranging from 1966 to 1973. I also owned a '67 hardtop - it was Plum Mist. I also owned a 1970 Atoll Blue Judge hardtop."
CLICK-> 69 Bowman Judge #3 Brian also adds: "I hope to restore (this) '69 soon. It is a R/A III, 4 speed (no console) 3:90 posi car w/no AC or power brakes. The GTO is the Great One in my book. I saw a GTO Judge in Lot #2 that looked green. Any info on color combinations is welcome and keep on going! Long live the Judge!"
CLICK-> 69 Bowman Judge #4 Has viewer comments2.1 star rating2.1 star rating2.1 star rating2.1 star rating2.1 star rating This is what Brian's Judge would look like if it was modified for deer hunting season. Do you suppose a dozen headlights would get the job done?

CLICK-> 69 Judge Has viewer comments3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating Scott Stocklin mailed in some excellent snapshots of his 1969 Ram Air IV Judge. It has 4-speed, 3.90 rear, Carousel Red paint and black interior.
CLICK-> 69 Judge Interior 1969 Ram Air IV Judge interior view.
CLICK-> 69 Judge Has viewer comments3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating 1969 Ram Air IV Judge left front view. You gotta click on some of these high quality photos!
CLICK-> 69 Judge 3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating 1969 Ram Air IV Judge right rear view. Scott's Judge also sports a hood tach, rally gauges, and hideaway headlights.
CLICK-> 69 Judge Has viewer comments3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating 1969 Ram Air IV Judge, front end view.

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1969 Pontiac Judges.    Lot 5 of 51.

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Says Fred and Eileen Jones (fnejones.@juno.com) - "This is an awesome site. We love GTO's and one day want to get our own "fixer upper"."