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by Sean Mattingly.
1969 GTO Judge Parking Lot
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1969 Pontiac Judges.    Lot 29 of 51.
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CLICK-> PT Cruiser and 69 Judge Has viewer comments PT Cruiser, Carousel Red 1969 Judge hardtop, and three babes in black.
CLICK-> PT Cruiser and 69 Judge Both the Harley-themed PT Cruiser and the Judge wear Orange paint.
CLICK-> Orange 69 Judge Has viewer comments Carousel Red 1969 Judge hardtop, left front view. The chrome 15x7 inch Rally II wheels are from Specialty Wheels LTD.
CLICK-> 69 Judge Interior Carousel Red 1969 Judge hardtop, interior view. Steve says that the interior is all new. This one has a vintage aftermarket air conditioning system. See it under the dash?
CLICK-> 69 Judge Interior Carousel Red 1969 Judge hardtop, interior view from the passenger side door. Steve says that the vintage aftermarket air conditioning is also a heater. He installed it himself.
CLICK-> 69 Judge Interior Looks nice in black leather. The girl too.
CLICK-> 69 Judge Trunk Carousel Red 1969 Judge hardtop, trunk view. Cool looking custom spare cover.
CLICK-> 69 Judge Engine Carousel Red 1969 Judge hardtop, engine view. The aftermarket air conditioner compressor is a bit different from a factory installed one. The engine is 455ci with 430hp connected to an M22 transmission with a 3.56 posi rear end.
CLICK-> 69 Judge Engine Has viewer comments Carousel Red 1969 Judge hardtop, another engine view.

CLICK-> Orange RA5 1969 Judge Has viewer comments3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating Eloy Gomez's Father owns this Ram Air 5 Carousel Red 1969 GTO Judge hardtop. It was a 1998 GTOAA Nationals winner. Eloy adds, "It originally had a Ram Air IV. It now has a Ram Air VI 428 bored to 460, recently installed a roller cam and roller lifters, with Chevy rods and extralight pistons, and finished off with a Demon Monster 1400 cfm carburetor and Borla exhaust. The Ram Air V decals represent the Ram Air V heads, intake etc. From the factory only 400ci motors were available in 69, so the 428 was called the Ram Air VI because of the more cubic inches, the Ram Air VII had a 2 Quadrajet set-up while the Ram Air VI only had one."
CLICK-> Orange RA5 1969 Judge The Ram Air V on the hood is for the Ram Air V heads and intake installed on the engine.
CLICK-> Orange RA5 1969 Judge Has viewer comments Here's the 428 with Ram Air V heads and intake.

CLICK-> Junked Judge Has viewer comments Patrick was visting a friend's junkyard and shot a couple of pictures of this once Carousel Red 1969 Judge. Patrick comments, "I remember it in Dad's garage being wrenched on late at night so they could raise hell in it on the weekends."
CLICK-> Junked Judge Has viewer comments Another shot of the dilapidated 1969 Judge. This time the hood is back on it's hinges. Patrick must have broken it off in the previous shot. It's got a hood tach hole. Need a fridge?

CLICK-> Old Judge Patrick used to own this Liberty Blue 1969 Judge hardtop. Patrick explains, "I bought it a few years back. I was told by the seller, 'It was brought to Pennsylvania from Florida in the early 70's. It was raced from when the guys bought it new so it had a hard life. However, it only had 21,000 miles on it. The original engine was long gone. It was grenaded in 1970 along with the rest of the drive line over the years.' I had planned on giving it a full restoration after I found out how rare this car was, being blue on blue. As luck would have it, we ran on some hard times. Rather than letting it rust away, I put it up for sale. I guess fate wanted this Judge back home in Florida after being advertised for less than a week, I was contacted by a gentleman that said he wanted it. He sent the payment within the hour for it and had an auto transport pick it up the next week. After talking with him, he told me he needed it for his collection of 69 Judge cars. He said he had seven other Judges and needed this blue on blue one for his '69 collection. I am waiting to see the pics of it after it is 100% again. I miss the Judge but I'm just glad it got a new home and a second chance at life."

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1969 Pontiac Judges.    Lot 29 of 51.

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Says Joe Arcadi (joseph.a.arcadi.@owenscorning.com) - "You are the Elvis Presley of GTO's!!!! Thank you Thank you very Much!!!"