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1969 GTO Judge Parking Lot
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1969 Pontiac Judges.    Lot 21 of 51.
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CLICK-> 69 Judge Interior Carousel Red 1969 Judge hardtop, interior view from the driver's side.
CLICK-> 1969 Judge Interior Carousel Red 1969 Judge hardtop, interior view from the passenger side window. It's got the stock radio.

CLICK-> 69 JUDGE! Has viewer comments3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating Carousel Red 1969 RAIII Judge hardtop owned by John Skuratowicz, from Columbus, Ohio. Here's what John had to say, "My Father bought this car in 1972 for $1000 with a blown engine. Jeg's supplied and installed a 1969 Pontiac 400 for another $1000, and it's been in the family ever since. It is a RA III engine, with the original 4-speed transmission. It was a bare bones model, with 4 wheel drums and no power steering or air. The only concession to luxury was the center console. The tires are bias plys from about 1975, and still have the 'Pips' on them. I got the idea for the license plates from your site!! I saw a white '70 Judge with the same plates."
CLICK-> 69 JUDGE! Has viewer comments3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating Side view of John's Carousel Red 1969 Judge.

CLICK-> SOLD!!! Has viewer comments2.7 star rating2.7 star rating2.7 star rating2.7 star rating2.7 star rating You missed out! This Carousel Red 1969 Judge hardtop was for sale for $3700 or best offer. We had it in our This Just In Page and it sold in only 3 days! New pictures are placed on this page before they are moved into these Parking Lot pages. You must check that page out from time-to-time!
CLICK-> SOLD!!! 2.5 star rating2.5 star rating2.5 star rating2.5 star rating2.5 star rating Rear end view of the 1969 Judge you could have owned!
CLICK-> SOLD!!! Here's the invoice. This is documentation that proves it was a Judge. Yep! It's a GTO HT CPE with THE JUDGE option number 554! Paint code is TT for Carousel Red top and bottom. It's got a 57 interior code which stands for Parchment (white).

CLICK-> Judge in Pieces Has viewer comments Joe Anthony from Vienna, Virginia purchased this Carousel Red 1969 Judge hardtop in the summer of 2000. Joe tells us about the history of his car, "A Mr. Washington purchased this car new in 1969 in Winchester, Virginia. The car had a four speed, Ram Air III, Posi, hood tach, power steering, power disc brakes, white wall tires, radio and hide-a-way lights. After the first 30 days the engine blew when it was run up to 50 mph in first gear. Then, around 1974 with 105,000 miles the Judge was taken off the road. Many friends helped themselves to parts from the Judge. Eventually in 1979, the body and frame were taken to the junk yard. That's when Jim Vance made a deal with a junk yard owner. He would pay him the $35 scrap fee the car was worth. Jim took the car home with the hood inside. He tracked down the cars posi rear and SR engine. The M20 was found in a 1974 Nova Spirit of America. The owner refused to give it up. Finally, in 1979 the Judge was back on the road with a green/black/white interior. Unfortunately, a female in a Chevette ran a light six months later and front ended the Judge. With no insurance, the car sat wrecked for 16 years. Fortunately, Jim did buy a NOS valance and parking light assemblies. He found a mint 68 bumper with hide-a-ways and many other parts. All special Judge parts were removed from the car and stored inside. Unfortunatly, his brothre got ahold of the SR engine and sold it. Then, in 2000, Jim decided to put the car up for sale. He lost interest after 16 years and saw the rust holes start in the floor and trunk. Amazingly, the original quarters dent free and still holding on to the factory paint. Glass trim was removed long ago to repair minor rust. Since the trim was never put back on, the window channels never again rusted. I puchased the car for $1,500 and took it to Michigan for a relocation. At the time of purchase, Jim stated the NOS valance was worth $700 and this was the cheapest restorable Judge left. Who would not agree with him? Now with a move back to Virginia the car will come home for a frame off restoration and indoor storage in 2003!"
CLICK-> Some assembly required Here's another view of Joe's Judge pieces.

CLICK-> Orange JUDGE! Has viewer comments3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating3.9 star rating Carousel Red 1969 Judge hardtop owned by Dave Debono from Toronto, Ontario Canada. Dave is a member Of The Classic GTO Club Of Ontario. His Judge has a 400 Ram Air IV engine coupled to a 4-speed manual transmission with a Hurst shifter. It took Second Place in the 1968-69 Performance Street Stock division at this car show which had 650 cars at it. The pictures were sent in by John Lawton
CLICK-> Hurst Equipped!!! A Hurst Equipped emblem is on the trunk of Dave's Carousel Red 1969 Judge hardtop.
CLICK-> Ram Air IV!!! Carousel Red 1969 Judge hardtop, Ram Air IV engine view!

CLICK-> And he's off! VIDEO CLIP A 1969 Judge launches hard off the line against a 1974 Ventura. This was at Kanawha Valley Dragway Park in West Virginia. Sean Mattingly made this video with sound on a Sony digital camera during the 2002 POCI Nationals drag day. View this one with a media player.

CLICK-> Blue 69/70/71 Judge Logo The Judge logo in yellow, red, and blue. The primary color in the corresponding stripe was blue. These were used on 1969 Judges painted Starlight Black, Cameo White, Warwick Blue, Liberty Blue, Crystal Turquoise, Palladium Silver, and the ever popular Carousel Red. They were used on 1970 Judges painted Starlight Black, Polar White, and Palladium Silver. They were also used on 1971 Judges painted Starlight Black, Cameo White, and Nordic Silver. These logos were sent in by George Karahalios.
CLICK-> Black 70/71 Judge Logo The Judge logo in yellow, red and black. The primary color in the corresponding stripe was black. These were placed on 1970 Judges painted Burgundy and Cardinal Red. These were also placed on 1971 Judges painted Sandalwood, Cardinal Red, and Quezal Gold.

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1969 Pontiac Judges.    Lot 21 of 51.

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Says David Ortiz (mmagico01.@telenet.es) - "My name is David, from Spain. I am mad about muscle cars, especially GTO's. MUY BUENO, AMIGO"