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1969 Pontiac GTO Hardtops.    Lot 69 of 75.
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CLICK-> 1969ht 3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating This 1969 GTO hardtop is owned by the Puyallup Police Department, in Washington State. It has a messaged 428, 4 speed, & 3.90 rear end. It is fully functional, has "dash mounted police lights, sirens, & police radios. This was our Picture Of The Week for 7/15/01. It was sent in by Mark DaCosta. Here's what Mark had to say about this car, "The Hi-Po GOAT was seized from a druggie & then began duty of the department's DARE program, going to car shows & touring schools promoting DARE. As DARE officer Tim Marron says, "The GTO is a huge hit with both the kids & adults, especiallly compared to my previous Ford Aerostar". Anyway, I am the President of NW GTO Legends, & we as a GTO club sponsor the DARE GTO & keep it in check for the Police Department. We have had club work parties bringing the GTO back to life as it had sat outside, not running for over a year. Nice feeling of club teamwork to see the DARE GOAT wow a crowd at a carshow."

CLICK-> 1969ht Has viewer comments3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating 1969 GTO from Paul Fargo. This was our Picture Of The Week for 12/2/01. Here's what Paul had to say, "I owe you a debt of gratitude. I was in the market for a nice restorable 69 goat and I found one 15 minutes away on one of the sites that you recommended. This baby has been sitting in a garage since 1987. It has an original YS 400 in it, and it seems pretty tired. My friends were goofing on me and telling me that I was going to be toasted by the local ice cream truck. They might be right, but what they don't know is that I'm sitting on a 428 4-bolt mains block, '70 Ram Air IV 614 heads, Super Duty forged connecting rods and an Armasteel crank. I am also planning on picking up a 12-bolt posi (preferrably 4.11 or 4.33). This time next year, I don't think there will be many ice cream trucks toasting my old goat. Notice the funky paint job. The first time I saw it, I thought it was quite possibly the ugliest paint job that I had ever seen. It does kind of grow on you (like a fungus) and I have actually received at least half a dozen compliments on it!!! Maybe I will look into having it redone at some point, but I'll be addressing the 'go' issues before the 'show'."
CLICK-> 1969ht This 1969 GTO has a green interior.
CLICK-> 1969ht 3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating White and green 1969 GTO hardtop, left front view. Besides an interesting paint job, this car has a seldom-seen green vinyl top.
CLICK-> 1969ht Has viewer comments3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating White and green 1969 GTO hardtop, right front view.
CLICK-> 1969ht Has viewer comments3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating White and green 1969 GTO hardtop, rear end view. Looks like a modified 69 Judge spoiler.
CLICK-> 1969ht 2.8 star rating2.8 star rating2.8 star rating2.8 star rating2.8 star rating White and green 1969 GTO hardtop, right side view in the shade.
CLICK-> 1969ht 2.8 star rating2.8 star rating2.8 star rating2.8 star rating2.8 star rating White and green 1969 GTO hardtop, right rear view. You can see the custom rear wheel flares in this shot.
CLICK-> 1969ht Has viewer comments2.8 star rating2.8 star rating2.8 star rating2.8 star rating2.8 star rating White and green 1969 GTO hardtop, right side view in the sun.
CLICK-> 1969ht 2.8 star rating2.8 star rating2.8 star rating2.8 star rating2.8 star rating White and green 1969 GTO hardtop, left rear view. Paul comments, " Notice in this shot my other favorite toy, my 23' Baja powered by a 385 HP Mercruiser (Chevy - yikes) 454. It does 72 MPH on the water which I'm betting is a far sight better than the Goat could do on land at this point. A tune up and a carb rebuild is on the agenda for this weekend."
CLICK-> 1969ht 3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating White and green 1969 GTO hardtop, right front view. Keeping the vacuum operated headlight doors working on these cars is a pain. I have an article in the Text Topics section which covers their repair.

Paul gives us an update on his car after one and a half years. I asked him if he plans to keep the paint. Paul commented, "Actually, the paint scheme kind of grew on me in the year and a half that I have had the car but the hood is starting to peel badly now - surface rust. I had actually planned on having it re-sprayed by now but delays and problems getting the mechanicals perfect combined with a brutal winter took care of that. I have always wanted a Judge and I am 90% sure that I want it shot in Carousel Red. I do as you can imagine get loads of comments on the paint, both positive and negative. Anyway, with the new 600+ HP engine, it runs like a savage bastard. I am now working on trying to get it to hook. I'm certain it won't be long until the little 34 year old 10 bolt rear with 3.23's is grenaded. I am planning on going 3.73 or 3.90 to take advantage of the engine's power band and that will make the problem even worse. Off the line when punched the car goes sideways. I did have the opportunity however to humiliate an 89 Camaro the other day. He pulls up next to me at a light and starts revving his engine and I have to admit, it sounded pretty nice with a lumpy cam. Light goes green and he peels out. I left sedately until about 20 MPH and then I punched it - I blew by him like he was going backwards ."
CLICK-> 1969ht 3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating3.2 star rating Paul updates us on his white and green 1969 GTO hardtop. Paul comments, "I had a less than stellar first pass with the Goat at Englishtown on Sunday 07/27. First it was ‘Funny car reunion day’ and I waited 2:45 for 1 pass. I did do a fairly impressive burnout though. Showed some rust with a really crappy light against a 69 427 Yenko Camaro. He got off on me pretty good but in my zeal to catch him, I wound the 467 up to about 7000. The redline is 6500 and reasonable shift points are in the 6000-6200 range. When I was about to shift into third, I heard a very loud rapping under the hood. I thought I spun a bearing on my first pass! I let off the go pedal and coasted across the finish and still beat the Yenko handily (by almost 2/10's). When I went to turn into the pits, I noticed that I had no power steering and the car was beginning to overheat pretty good. Much to my relief, it turned out that I spit a belt which pretty much disintegrated. I still ran a 13.059 at, get this…83.66 MPH. The car launched like a missle with the 4.11’s, Lakewood bars, drag radials @15 psi and Moroso 90-10’s up front. The ‘Snotty Indian’ really hooks now. With a little practice and no mechanical difficulties, I don’t see any problem cracking 11’s. My new friend Mike who set up the rear for me says the car will go 11.50’s at about 115-118 all day long. He ought to know, he’s been racing for 25 years and currently campaigns in a 64 Nova (visable a couple of lanes to the right in the staging lane pic right in front of the orange 69 Chevelle) with a 632 that routinely runs 8.80’s although even he ran low 9’s yesterday. It was hot (95) and humid as hell down there. A few of my gear head buddies and I are trying to arrange renting ATCO out on a Monday morning for about $125 a car and get down to some serious dialing in."
CLICK-> 1969ht 2.9 star rating2.9 star rating2.9 star rating2.9 star rating2.9 star rating Here's Paul's 1969 GTO on the line at Englishtown. He's up against a 1969 427 Yenko Camaro.
CLICK-> 1969ht 2.7 star rating2.7 star rating2.7 star rating2.7 star rating2.7 star rating This is an action photo from the dragstrip. The Camaro was out in front at first!
CLICK-> 1969ht Has viewer comments Here paul is enjoying a drive back from the races in his uniquely painted 1969 GTO hardtop.

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1969 Pontiac GTO Hardtops.    Lot 69 of 75.

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Says C. Spencer (censored.name.@juno.com) - "I want a 64 gto. My grandpa has one but hes an ass and wont let me have it."