Here's some updated pictures of Gary's 1969 GTO. Gary says,As you can see I added a spoiler and the right exhaust. I've also changed it over to a turbo400 automatic. ARGGGGGGG!! Had to - cause my arthritis in the feet was hurting from the 4 speed." CLICK->
Silver 1969 GTO hardtop, left front view. CLICK->
Limelight Green '69 GTO. CLICK->
Another two shots of the Limelight Green Goat. CLICK->
Yet another view of the Limelight Green GTO. This time it's taking up
its fair share of spaces in a parking lot. Add a set of Rally II wheels too. CLICK->
Limelight Green goat grazing in the yard. CLICK->
Riverside used to be a popular place to leave rubber. This is a nice painting. It's available from Jim Wangers on his web site along with several others. Do not copy this particular image. CLICK->
First picture in a series on this 1969 GTO. It was sent in by the owner, Genlock@ix.netcom.com CLICK->
This 1969 GTO is Midnight Green. CLICK->
We're sneaking up on this 1969 GTO. Nice license plate! CLICK->
Last photo shows a fine example of a non-stock engine compartment on the 1969 GTO. Restoring one yourself? Here are some of Sean's book recommendations...
Andy Hughes owns this '69 GTO with Ram Air III. It's a 4-speed with a 400 CID V-8, 3:55 positraction rear. It has an 8-track player on the console. Looks gold. CLICK->
Front view of a '69 GTO with no hideaway headlamps. CLICK->
1969 GTO with a primered hood. Jason sold this car. See next picture too. CLICK->
Here's the engine before it went into the above car. It's a 428.
Here's a comment from a recent visitor...
Says John Zeek (jzeek.@optonline.net) -"I have just purchased a basket case 69 Judge from Wisconsin. Love your area on most common rust spots."