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1969 Pontiac GTO Hardtops.    Lot 20 of 75.
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CLICK-> green 69 GTO 3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating Side view of Keith's Verdoro Green 1969 GTO. It has redline tires mounted on Rally II rims.

CLICK-> smashed 69 GTO Has viewer comments Pictures of Jim McKeague's smashed up Verdoro green 1969 GTO hardtop. These pictures were taken back in 1970. Jim's now in search of it. It was orginally in Illinois. It was built at the Baltimore plant, with a green interior, 4 speed manual, wood wheel, Rally II wheels, and a VIN # of 242379B153419.

CLICK-> blue 1969 GTO Has viewer comments3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating Skulls are cool. Charlie Johnson has a wife that refers to his 1969 GTO as "The Fire Breather"! When she's riding in the goat, she hears the song "Godzilla, by Blue Oyster Cult!" Some specs: 400 cid, TH 400 trans, 3:55 rear end, rally gauges, 15x7 Rally II wheels with new BF Goodrich rubber (courtesy of the wife last Christmas), and power disc brake conversion. Slight mechanical troubles, i.e. can't seem to leave any stop sign or light without squealing tires. (hee hee) Resto still in progress. Charlie thinks his wife has a compressor planned for his birthday gift so he can start grinding down the bondo. Current color is "Three Inch Blue", he thinks it'll be smaller when it's sanded it down. Future color scheme still undecided.

CLICK-> 1969 GTO 3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating3.1 star rating Gray (primer?) 1969 GTO hardtop which was owned by Scott Valentine. Scott had this to say, "I owned the car for over 17 years, I purchased it when I was 15 years old. Sad to say I just sold it to make way for a 1969 GTO Judge. Yes I am the only one of my friends who did not sell their car to buy a house, or get married, or because they had a kid. (I have all 3, house, wife, and kid)" Scott did find a Judge which is featured in our 1969 Judge lot.

CLICK-> Netherlands GTO Has viewer comments3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating Orange 1969 GTO spotted at a car show in the Netherlands by Lody Scheffer. This GTO has the 400 "YS" 350hp engine with m/t, p/b, p/s, the hideaways and the hood tach.

CLICK-> green 69 GTO Has viewer comments3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating Midnight Green 1969 GTO hardtop owned by Wayne And Marlene Fiala of North Royalton, Ohio. They've owned it since 1985.
CLICK-> Little Mean Green Goat "Little Mean Green Goat" detail on the trunk lid of this Midnight Green 1969 GTO hardtop.

CLICK-> two GTOs Has viewer comments3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating Two 1969 GTO hardtops owned by two brothers. Kevin Nuebeiser owns the Super Sonic Blue (purplish) one on the right. Kevin did the body work and paint himself in 1999 when he was 18. It has a 400 with a M21 transmission and a 3:55 rear end.
CLICK-> two GTOs Has viewer comments3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating3.6 star rating Dave Newbeiser owns the blue 1969 GTO with the black vinyl top in the back. It's a 400 built to Ram Air III specs, a M22, and a 3:90 rear end.

CLICK-> gold 69 GTO Has viewer comments2.9 star rating2.9 star rating2.9 star rating2.9 star rating2.9 star rating A gold 1969 GTO hardtop that looks like it was just painted.
CLICK-> gold 69 GTO Has viewer comments3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating A gold 1969 GTO hardtop with a tan interior. Right rear view.

CLICK-> 69 GTO off the line Has viewer comments2.9 star rating2.9 star rating2.9 star rating2.9 star rating2.9 star rating 1969 hardtop owned by Rick Unterseh from Arizona. Rick says, "The car has run a best of 12.79 at 106.241. The engine (400) and trans (th400) are getting tired (8years) so this year we are building a new motor and trans, either a 428 or a 455."

CLICK-> 69 GTO Has viewer comments3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating3.3 star rating 1969 GTO hardtop sent in by Redhedw_gto@hotmail.com. Here's the story that came with the pictures. I have had this car for over 15 years. It came onto my life with no nose, no rear bumper and the engine in pieces. There was nothing original left in the car, except maybe the interior. But the body was in excellent shape. That was in 1985, when I had just married the most important factor to my happiness and my car's second biggest fan. We have all gone through a lot since then. People seem to think that if you have something like this, you much also have a lot of money. My husband and I did everything ourselves. From finding the parts in tucked away junk yards to spending long hours redoing interior, paint and extra little special things. It started out to be my daily driver. We made it mechanically sound before we made it beautiful. We added a 68 Hurst His/Hers shifter, 140 mph speedometer, hood tach, HO racing supsension, upgraded the brakes, tilt column, 455 engine, roller cam and rockers, and a 70 Judge wing because it was so functional. We both learned a lot about pontiacs very fast. We ran across a 66 tri-power that we parted out to fund my GTO's transformation. (The 66 was totally eaten up by rust, but the engine, transmission and running gear was in remarkable good shape. There were some other interior items along with some hard to find Rally's that made the package come together. After we painted it, things got rough. Everyone took notice of it then. Then there came a time we had to set iy up to try to build a shop for my husband's business. The month turned into a few years and I realized I was missing my car more that I realized. My attitude toward life had begun to change after I was driving a car for transportation instead of enjoyment. My husband made me a promise. That the car would be complete before my 40th birthday. I can't begin to start to tell you the set backs that we experienced. I will say this, our family motto is: "We have done so much with so little, that we can do anything with hardly nothing at all. Everything from careless machine work, which lead to replacing the block, to a theft attempt to strip the car. (They did get my Monte Carlo SS, which my father bought new and passed down to me. If was completely stripped and what was left was burned) The last major thing to happen, while we were redoing the interior, was an F4 tornado. My sweet GTO has a few scars on one side where the windows and huge garage doors were blown in and around inside. All the interior screws and small parts were blown into a return air vent on the opposite side of the building, but every single one was there. Many people (mostly men) are surprised that the GTO is my car. I am very possesive of it. When my husband built the motor and chose running gear and so on he had my abilities in mind and my hearts's desire. He put it this way. If she couldn't drive it, I wouldn't have built it. Now after all these years we have a little girl. Maybe if she gets good grades in college, she can drive it one weekend.
CLICK-> 69 GTO interior 1969 GTO hardtop owned by Redhedw_gto@hotmail.com.

CLICK-> 69 GTO in primer 2.4 star rating2.4 star rating2.4 star rating2.4 star rating2.4 star rating Here's a picture of Dan Zabetakis' 1969 GTO when he first bought it. He is currently restoring it. You can see the whole restoration blow-by-blow in our Frame-Off Restoration Gallery at http://UltimateGTO.com/rest.htm

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1969 Pontiac GTO Hardtops.    Lot 20 of 75.

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Says Christopher Yogeswaren (nin4life2000.@yahoo.com) - "I came to the website knowing little to verrry little about Tempests and GTO's and left being able to tell the difference between Ram Air III and Ram Air IV. ;]"