Looks like we're polishing the chrome on this blue 1969 LeMans. CLICK->
Don Hull had this red 1969 GTO up for sale in Jan 1999. It's a 4-speed manual with Cragars. CLICK->
Black 1969 GTO hardtop with a black interior, hood tach, and a spoiler. CLICK->
A green 1969 GTO hardtop owned by Tom Somerville from '73 to '84. He did a partial restoration on it after an accident (note the '68 quarterpanels). It was a four speed, stock 400 engine, Chevy 12 bolt rear, hood tach, broken hideaways, power discs, A/C, and chrome Cragars. CLICK->
Left rear view of Tom's green 1969 GTO. Tom's looking for another GTO. CLICK->
Vic shows us his black 1969 GTO in 1999. He says: "I'm 18 years old and bought myself a '69 GTO after a long 2 years of searching for the perfect muscle car. This one is an original YS block, non Ram Air 350hp 400ci and TH400 trans with 58,000 original miles. It also has the optional hidden headlights, hood tach, AC, Judge spoiler and 3.23 posi rear end... I enjoy going to cruise nights and using it as my daily driver." CLICK->
Right rear view of Vic's black 1969 GTO. CLICK->
Black? 1969 Lemans coupe with a white vinyl top and white interior. sent in by Charles Russell. Here's his story on this car, "I thought you'd enjoy seeing the attached picture of a '69 LeMans that found it's way to my door this weekend. I bought it from the original owner, a nice 83 year-old lady who bought it new on March 11, 1969. She drove it for the next thirty years, but only managed to put 42,000 miles on the car!" CLICK->
This blue 1969 GTO hardtop with two white stripes was featured on the Cannonball Run TV show which initially ran on the USA network in the summer of 2001. The show ran for five days and featured 6 teams of 3 people each who raced across the United States while doing little challenges along the way. Other cars where; a 1961 Pink Cadillac, a late sixties purple Impala low-rider, a 70's hearse, a 1988 GMC 4x4, and a 1995 Camaro. This 1969 GTO was the coolest car by far. CLICK->
Vintage picture taken in 1975 of Vince Pietrogiacomo's black 1969 GTO hardtop. "Craze" was Vince's nickname. CLICK->
Primered 1969 GTO hardtop. CLICK->
A bright red 1969 4-door LeMans owned by Cameron McAndrew from Australia! Its got front cornering lamps, a white interior, and it's right-hand drive! It's a hardtop - check out the lack of a post between the front and rear side windows. Cameron picked up this car about 7 years ago (1999). It has a 350ci v8 engine under the hodo and 295 tires on rear. Cameron is lookin for right side glass for both doors. Can anyone help him out? CLICK->
Blue 1969 Custom S sent in from ganger@rconnect.com who comments, "Here are some pics of my brother's 69 Custom S. Sorry, I don't have any pictures of it after it was wrecked. All I can tell you is that it was completely destroyed. It caught fire after it went
through a bridge. So what didn't get twisted up got burned up. It's too bad because I don't think there were too many of them produced. Would've been a nice collector." CLICK->
Rear view of this Blue 1969 Custom S. CLICK->
Red 1969 GTO with a white vinyl top and white interior owned by Kevin Charney from Canada. It was imported from California and restored by the previous owner. It has a 350 hp 400 with a turbo 400 auto, trans. Options include PS, PB, tilt, buckets and console and A/C. The options and color codes are original to the dealer invoice verified by the PHS.
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Says Dan Cubric (dcubric.@murphyjahn.com) - "Your dedication to collecting info and distributing to everybody is outstanding."