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by Sean Mattingly.
1968 GTO Convertible Parking Lot
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1968 Pontiac GTO Convertibles.    Lot 22 of 31.
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CLICK-> Red 68 GTO Interior Roman Red 1968 GTO convertible, interior view. This one has power windows.
CLICK-> Red 68 GTO Engine Roman Red 1968 GTO convertible, engine view. This car does not have air conditioning or power brakes.

CLICK-> Silver 68 GTO Convertible This is what Tracy Lamont's 1968 GTO convertible looked like when Tracy purchased it. It's silver with black stripes. It came from the factory in Aegena Blue Metallic. Tracy tells us more, "I finally found the GTO that I have wanted for years. It is definitely a builder but it has lots of potential. The car has most of the items that were on my laundry list and a few that I could only hope for. The must-have list required that it be a true 68-69 GTO (not a clone), a 4-speed transmission (factory), hideaway headlights, low-rust body, and of course it had to be a convertible. On the wish list was a hood mounted tachometer, Safe-T track rear end and matching numbers. While this car did not have the tach or matching numbers, it did have one extra bonus - it was made 6 miles from where I live. It needs lots of work, and I am enjoying every minute of it. So far I have repaired lots of electrical problems, removed some huge stickers that the previous owner had applied, tuned it up, replaced the exhaust system, installed original seat belts, and stripped the black paint off the rear bumper. I'm waiting for a new carpet kit and replacement glove box to arrive in the mail. I'm also looking for a new heater core that will be installed before the carpet and pad goes in."
CLICK-> Silver 68 GTO Convertible The hood opens backwards on Tracy's silver 1968 GTO convertible.
CLICK-> Silver 68 GTO Convertible Has viewer comments Looks like Tracy has some white seats to go into this 1968 GTO convertible. The rear seat seems to have been recovered at some time in it's life.
CLICK-> Silver 68 GTO Convertible It's got an Oakland Raiders football sticker on the trunk lid's black stripe.
CLICK-> Silver 68 GTO Convertible Silver 1968 GTO convertible, hood view.
CLICK-> Silver 68 GTO Convertible Close-up of more stickers on the hood. The previous owner must have been a big Raiders fan! I wonder if this was the tailgate party car?
CLICK-> Silver 68 GTO Convertible Apply a little heat and that Raiders trunk sticker is gone.
CLICK-> Silver 68 GTO Convertible Silver 1968 GTO convertible, interior view. I bet the owner threw in the original seats. It's got a manual transmission. The shifter ball is missing.
CLICK-> Silver 68 GTO Convertible Silver 1968 GTO convertible, right rear view. Looks better all cleaned up.
CLICK-> Silver 68 GTO Convertible Shot of the hood when raised with it's reversed hinge.
CLICK-> Silver 68 GTO Convertible 3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating3 star rating Silver 1968 GTO convertible, rear end view. The rear bumper is painted black. I have had a couple cars with the rear bumpers painted black. This is usually done to hide imperfect chrome. On these cars, the lower portion of the bumper will be plagued by chrome plating that is lifting off the metal. The plating cracks and comes loose, leaving rust pockets underneath. If you do paint a bumper black, be ready for the paint to peel off the chrome in a short time. In order to get the paint to stick, you have to rough up the chrome first with sandpaper. Might as well just take the bumper off and take it to a replating shop. It's better to take it to a replater than to buy a reproduction bumper. Original bumpers are far superior in quality to the repro ones.

CLICK-> April Gold 68 GTO Convertible Has viewer comments3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating April Gold 1968 GTO convertible owned by Kevin Carr from Trophy Club, Texas. Kevin tells us about his car, "I bought it four years ago from a seller in Chester, Pennsylvania. I have owned two 1970 hardtops and in mid seventies. I had same color 68 GTO (April Gold) hardtop that was totaled when drunk teens hit me from behind. I always wanted another 68 though. I have a fresh 68 date coded engine (still looking for number matching one floating in NE) with 068 cam, bored .030, and crank cut .010. The rest is all stock including power brakes, AM-FM radio, electric windows, A/C, and His/Hers shifter. I'm getting ready to add disc brakes from 72 LeMans this spring."
CLICK-> April Gold 68 GTO Convertible 3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating3.7 star rating April Gold 1968 GTO convertible, left side view.

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1968 Pontiac GTO Convertibles.    Lot 22 of 31.

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