Scott Kominski ( sent in these pics of his dad's 1968 Pontiac GTO. It had a 400 engine in it that boasted about 365 horsepower, a his/hers shifter, original bias ply redline tires, posi (Safe-T-Track) rear end, white interior, and it was all original. Nothing was touched on it. Scott's dad sold the car in August, 2000 to pay for Scott to go to college. Scott (of course) asked his dad to let him have the car and he'd skip college! He didn't go for that though. CLICK->
Win a guest role on the Monkees TV show. Plus you win this customized 1968 GTO. This old ad is about the Kellogg's cereal "TV Screen Stakes". The promotion was originally intended to feature the '67 GTO, but it was not ready in time. The '68 GTO was featured on 42 million boxes of Raisin Bran and Rice Crispies. Jim Wangers said that the cereal boxes were a good form of advertisement because the box would be on the breakfast table about 6 times and people keep reading it over and over. Check out the "Text Topics" pages for more information on these cars and winners. Click to see the full page advertisement. The image is large so you can read all the ad text. CLICK->
This '68 GTO engine compartment has been radically modified. CLICK->
The same '68 GTO seen several years later. This time it had a blower added. CLICK->
A pair of 1968 goats inside the Hoosier Dome in Indianapolis. Auctioned off at the annual "World Of Wheels" car show. One sharp GTO fan pointed out that this wide picture was actually the same car. It's true, I joined two angles of the same car into one image! CLICK->
Watch out for the tigers guarding this 1968 GTO convertible. CLICK->
1968 LeMans convertible. Painted burgundy. It is parked in an interesting room which is full of old gas station stuff. They have a fancy name for old petroleum-related memorabilia. It's now called "Petromobilia" - or something like that. CLICK->
A shot of an old Pontiac dealership. Click to see an enlarged view of the whole Bill McDavid Pontiac Tempest parts department building. Arnold Ziffel ( wrote to say: "The Bill/David McDavid dealerships have been in the Dallas Fort Worth Texas metroplex for a lifetime. They were brothers and sold Pontiac exclusively for many, many years. David McDavid dealership(s) are still alive, however the last Bill McDavid dealership on the far west side of Fort Worth sold to the family owning the Cadillac dealership
(Frank Kent) who is Wendy (Kent) Churchill." I'd like to find some vintage photos of GTOs parked on a dealer's lot. Got any? CLICK->
A Bill McDavid dealer emblem that was found on Jeff Klein's 69 GTO. It was mounted on the rear left trunk edge, opposite the trunk lid GTO emblem. Two holes were drilled into the trunk lid for mounting it. CLICK->
This picture came from the Boomershine Pontiac dealership. The people are gathered around and IN a 1968 GTO. A 1968 Firebird can be seen to the left. Also see all those little cubicles to the left? That's where you'd sit with a car salesman to discuss price or order a GTO with whatever options you wanted. This GTO had the popular hideaway headlamp option. CLICK->
1968 GTO with the top up. This is one that would be nice to own. It has an add-on hood tach. Notice it has a manual radio antenna which was mounted on the right fender. I've heard that only power antennas were mounted on the rear left quarterpanel, although at least one person has told me he has a manual antenna mounted in the rear position. Can anyone tell me more about this? CLICK->
Polaroid shot of a 1968 GTO that is for sale. It was sent to me by
Maryland Classic Auto Sales. (410) 242-3700. I typed the stats about the car in green - right over the picture. In January 1998, Sam Griffith ( went to Baltimore to take a look at this fine car. Here is his report: "Spent about 45 minutes viewing the Goat. I had low expectations for a "white" paint finish on a GTO. I was favorably impressed with the general finish. It was a very smooth, even, glossy finish with good depth and a quality look to it. It was a suprisingly nice contrast to the black interior and black convertible cover. The red-line tires really set off the overall look to the car. Body work looked real good and all metal appeared to be present - previous owner reported only using filler on small 'dings' in doors. I used your section on
Where the '68/'69
GTOs rust and carefully inspected those areas for poor repairs and
found what appeared to be original sheet metal. I was not able to fire it up to hear the motor or drive it (it is indoors closely surrounded by numerous other cars). The engine compartment looked real nice; rust on headers as I would expect. The modificationss to add power brakes/steering were done well, however, I could not confirm if they were PMD origin. Odometer shows just over 29K miles on it. Undercarriage looked good although it was not real bright in the room and I did not have a flashlight - rookie error! Exhaust system was brand new. Did not look at convertible top, but previous owner stated he replaced the original with a new one. The interior looked very nice (minor corrosion on metal of ashtrays and console storage bin).
The carpet is new as well as the seat covers and they look fine. Dash and door panels looked very good. Trunk was pristine with jack, spare tire with vinyl cover, and generic '68 Pontiac model brochure. On the Endura front bumper, I noticed several distinct hair line cracks through the paint (and I expect into the endura material). Later, Sam" CLICK->
1968 YS Dual Gate in an unusual color. It is called Aegena Blue.
The top on this convertible is white. This one is owned by Clark Schroeder from Torrington, Connecticut. The car has hideaway headlight doors, here shown in the open position. This is one of the few cars pictured with aftermarket mud flaps. CLICK->
A painting of a green 1968 GTO. It's a limited edition art print. By automotive artist Bill Harbort. I bought one of these from him through the mail. Mine is #94 out of 400. He's at (701) 838-1808. Tell him you saw an example of his work on The Ultimate GTO Picture Site. CLICK->
First picture of a nice red 1968 convertible. Sometimes the authenticity of a particular car will come into question. The owner does not know why the fender emblem says "GTO" instead of the "6.5 litre" emblem which is supposed to be there. The chrome "GTO" emblems were only put on the front fenders in 1969. PICTURE SET CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE ...
Here's a comment from a recent visitor...
Says Joe Aurora ( from Clinton, CT -"FANTASTIC set of '74 GTO pictures!!! That's the largest collection I've ever seen! I was salivating!"