Frequently Asked Questions And a few smartass answers, just for fun
Q:What does GTO stand
A:G.T.O. = Gran Turismo
Omologato. In 1964, Pontiac borrowed the term from the Italian car
maker Ferrari. Ferrari had been making a GTO racing car for quite
a while. The english translation is Grand Touring Homologated, which
basically means that the car was built entirely from Pontiac parts, and
was ready to race right off the assembly line. We also affectionately
refer to a GTO as a "Goat", although it makes little sense. Some
people think "GOaT" came from switching the letters around in "GTO" to
make "GOaT". Anyhow, it's a compliment when someone yells "Nice Goat!"
at you.
Q: Will you
send me an email when this site is updated?
A: I update
the site several times a week, sometimes several times a day. No,
you wouldn't want that much email, man!
Q: A buddy is
gonna sell me a GTO. Is this one worth it? Will
you appraise it?
A: Heck no.
I can't see or smell the car from here. But if you think you'll
get some enjoyment out of the car, BUY it. It could be fun.
It's also going to be an expensive hobby. Don't think you can
buy a GTO, fix it up, and then sell it for more money than you have in
it. It seldom works that way because parts and quality bodywork
cost a lot these days.
Q: Where are
the production figures for GTO's?
A: Ho hum.
Most other GTO web sites have that already. They copied the
production figures straight out of this
book anyway. Buy the book. It's worth it.
Besides, I get a small commission on each book you buy. That's
a good thing!
Q:Is this GTO (or
Judge) real?
A:You can't tell
if its real from looking at the car! There's only ONE
way to verify its authenticity. Start at the web site for Pontiac
Historic Services at We all go there
to get documentation. It's essential to have a PHS-verified car before
buying. If you can supply the car's VIN number, they have a copy
of your car's original build sheet. It shows the model, options,
and colors that your car originally had.
Q:Where can I buy
a 19xx GTO on the web?
A:My favorite place
to look is a "for sale" web page at To
find the MOST cars, enter a minimum amount of information in their search
boxes. I usually just tell it "Pontiac", tell it the year. Then hit
GO. Also, I can email you a gigantic list of GTO's for sale.
See the choice on the main menu.
Q:Who has a particular
part for my car?
A:If I don't have
the specific part you need, I will forward your request. I'll ask
the members of the GTO Email list. The members may be contacting
you directly. So don't be surprised if you get emails offering you
a good deal on the exact part you need! has also emerged
as a fun place to get parts at their online auction. This link gives
you a list of all the items matching "GTO"...
Last time I checked, there were 1909 items on there with the word "GTO"
in it. That's a lot.
Q:Where can I buy
or sell my parts/cars?
A:You missed the
free Classifieds section of my web site. Post an ad at
Q:Can I send you a
picture? How can I send you a picture?
A:There are three
ways to send pictures to me...
(1) Send it U.S. Mail. I will
return the photo free if you ask me to. My address is:
Sean Mattingly,
335 E 360 N, Anderson IN 46012
(2) Send it email. Attach a few
pictures at a time per email. My email address is
If you don't know
to get your pictures scanned, see some tips on my web site at
(3) Walk up to me and hand me a pack
of pictures. I like that too.
Send pics of unfinished project cars, junkyard GTO's, old vintage b/w
photos, GTO magazine ads, car show snapshots, GTO model car boxes, etc.
All pics you submit are considered to be for publication here according
to this Silly Legal Disclaimer
& Copyright Info Page.
Q:How long will it
take to get my car pic posted on the site?
A:The site is updated
several times a week, but it generally takes from 60 days to a year at
the most. (I get over 200 new pictures a month)
Q:Do you think the
Reds will win the pennant this year?
A:Sorry, I'm not
a sports fan at all. My appetite for sports was ruined when
they cancelled the popular TV show called "Battle Of The Network Stars".
Farrah Fawcett doing a tug of war with Cheryl Tiegs! Now that
was worth watching!
Q:Are there any GTO
shows near my town?
A:Try looking in
Hemmings Motor News. It's a big thick monthly book they sell at all
big bookstores. Also, they have an online listing of car shows on
their web page at
much time do you spend working on this web site?
much. Usually several hours per day. Much of that
time is spent answering personal emails from you, the site visitors.
I have an ambitious written plan for growing this site to huge proportions.
There are several people that help me with the site via email.
Thanks to daily viewer submissions and corrections, this web site grows
can I help you?
sit back and enjoy the site. Or you can send me a small donation.
Here is the place to do that if you want...
Most people send $10 to $25. Thanks a bunch!
Attention GTO newsletter editors! Go ahead and reprint any of these Text Topics articles. Just give me credit as Sean Mattingly ( at The Ultimate GTO Picture Site located at
Here's a comment from a recent visitor...
Says Michael ( from England - "Great website! It's nice to find one that is not only easy to use but actually has useful information - and a sense of humour too!"