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Blue 1969 GTO Convertible out to Pasture
Rusty 69 GTO Conv
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The VIN for the 1969 GTO is on the dash near the window on the driver's side. Let's decode it. 2 stands for Pontiac. 24 stands for the GTO or Judge Model. 67 stands for the convertible body style. 9 is for the 1969 model year. B is for the Baltimore, Maryland assembly plant. 1 is for the V8 engine. 72727 is the sequential body number. You can decode your GTO with our Stats Explorer ™.

Interior Color: black
VIN: 242679B172727
Owner: Mike Martin ( ) from Fort St John BC Canada
Posted: 10/16/2004


Chicken Little sandwich: Now I could use a car like this for my collection.

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