sean hathaway diviper2003@aol.com: | | I work in a body shop called Evit. It is like a college and I can make the car look new with a new paint job and the rust sanded off. I wish I would be able to find one in Apache Junction, Arizona. |
Mickey Huffer: | | I got rid of a car that looked like this once. Some mice got in there and made a real mess out of all the upholstery. Some mice carry the lethal Hantavirus, which is transferred through the air into the lungs of humans. Be careful if you're cleaning up after mice. The dust from sweeping their dried waste will get in the air and you will breathe it! It can kill. Instead, wet down mouse residue with bleachwater and clean it up wet. Hey, it's better than getting a strange pneumonia-like sickness and then dying. How would you enjoy your goat then? |
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