UltimateGTO.com Free Screen Saver Download

For Windows 95, 98*, 2000, ME, NT* and XP*

Little GTO Roof Tops screen saver

This screen saver drives one of five classic GTOs across your screen. These classic GTOs include a blue 1964 convertible, gold 1965 convertible, red 1966 convertible, white 1966 convertible, and an orange 1969 Judge hardtop. Every so often you might catch some other interesting things occuring on the screen. It might take some time to see them.

Download and Setup Steps:

1. Click on the GTOroofs.exe link below.
2. Save-As screen will come up. Save into a directory on your harddrive. C:\ is recommended.
3. Bring up file explorer on C:\ or where you just saved GTOroofs.exe to.
4. Double-Click on GTOroofs.exe on your harddrive and follow the install instructions.

Click Here to Download GTOroofs.exe  (620K in size)

If you have any questions about the screen saver, please email WebHelperJeff@UltimateGTO.com

*This screen saver is having problems on some Win98, WinNT, and WinXP installations, I am looking into this. The problem is that the screen saver will only blank the screen for a second and then come back right away. Kind of like it detected a mouse move or keyboard key press right away.

(Legal Stuff: UltimateGTO.com and its authors specifically disclaim responsibility for any loss, damage, or expense arising out of the use of this screen saver, however it is caused.)

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Here's a comment from a recent visitor...
Says Don Baxter (nova.@rose.net) - "I have a picture of a red '68 GTO Convertible on my bulletin board at work that I got from your site, and you would not believe how many comments I get about that car!!!"