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Drive In #4
It's parked in the 2007-DriveInMovie Carshow Lot.

This sign reads "WELCOME TO INDIANA'S FINEST DRIVE-IN THEATRE". See the speakers mounted to the sign pole. This place has speakers mounted everywhere inside. You can hear the movie sound anywhere you walk on the grounds. It's in the concession stand, along the sidewalks, everywhere. The speakers are turned up loud, but amazingly - there is no distortion! I listened to multiple speakers and was fascinated by the clarity of sound on their old-fashioned style speakers on the poles. They did not muddle the speech like all others I've heard.

Posted: 06/03/2007


aerocoupeman: This sign was originally from the Westlake Drive-in that was located on west 10th St. and 465 where the Lowes is. Westlake closed in the 80's.

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