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Red 2004 GTO Pillar/Post Artwork
Sean's Concept
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This is my concept of what a 2004 drag car might look like. I let my imagination run wild when creating this graphic. It is based on the stock 2004 GTO photo, but with a few twists. The car has been lowered a bunch. I added a blower off a toy car. It has a dual spoiler. The top is lowered and raked back for a more aerodynamic look. In fact, the whole car is raked at a backwards angle. I added an arrowhead marker light just like the 1968 GTOs. The twin grilles have been lengthened and lowered. The rear wheel opening has been pulled downward. The headlights are darkened a little for a more sinister look. On the doors, the handles have been removed, the mirrors lowered, and a bold "GTO" graphic was added. I even added the outline of a racing helmet. That's me in there, waiting for a green light!

Visible Options: concept blower spoiler
Owner: Sean Mattingly ( ) from Muncie Indiana IN
Posted: 03/06/2003


gtodon: Nice Sean....but anticipate the green! ...dont wait!
Oo-ga-chak-ah: That's about the coolest thing I've seen all day. It makes me want a fast ride!

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