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Black 1970 LeMans Hardtop
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Black  70 LeMans
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Black 1970 LeMans hardtop owned by Wayland Rawls from Atlanta, Georgia. Check out the wheels. The blue stripe really sets them off. Wayland says, "I bought my 70 LeMans about two years ago from a buddy of mine who's wife made him get it out of the garage. As soon as I saw the car, I immediately knew what I would do to it! I would clone it from the 1970 GTO."

Interior Color: black
Visible Options: GTO hood, stripes
Owner: Wayland Rawls ( ) from Atlanta Georgia GA
Posted: 02/21/2010


jeff: Looks real good Wayland!! Those wheels are a good match as well. I think some Rally II's painted the same color scheme (black & blue) would look great! Still a very nice looking car, you did a good job with all of the details. Did you do anything to the motor? Hope it looks as nice as the rest of your car.

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