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Carousel Red Orange 1969 Judge Convertible Pedal Car
69 Judge pedalcar
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Chris Moss is a member of the GTO email list. His daughter has a 1969 mini-GTO Judge. These pedal cars were manufactured by Coleco.

Visible Options: spoiler
Owner: Chris Moss ( )
Posted: 10/20/2001

Share If anyone knows where I can get one of these pedal cars, please let me know!
geeteoh: When I was 4 (back in 1969) I asked my parents for a GTO pedal car. They looked at them, but didn't think the plastic would hold up. So, they got me standard run-of-the-mill metal one and put GTO sticker letters on it. It fooled me, as I was satisfied after seeing those three little letters on the car. I asked my parents if the plastic GTO pedal car looked like this one. They said it was a bit different. I have a Coleco General Lee. I can't find the year on it. It is fairly old and very worn. The decals are all messed up. The horn still works on the car. I think there is supposed to be a door on it but it must have fallen off years ago. I was wondering if anyone could let me know where to find another one of those cars. My daughter loves hers, but I would like to find one in better shape. If anyone knows where I can find one email me.

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